Tuesday 17 November 2020

Not Much

It was a not much to do day. Things were going to be slow. The showers here are nice. They wash the blues away and a clean slate for the day. So it was fresh as a daisy when I was ready. My decision was to go to town for a coke. It was only 15 away so nothing really in it. The ride through was easy and fun. Taking my time to see around. Go down roads and see what is happening. Not much at all. It's quiet around here. Business seems very slow and you don't see much activity. Still it was a good way to do nothing and get a little exercise in. 
The one sign "LEGAL MINE". I mean for real. It was a clear invitation to go down. Well all done mining and gone. Don't really know what was going on there. Just a huge pile of rocks. Curiosity was the driver of that road. All in there was not a lot to see. I didn't even nick a bunch of 🍇 of which there is plenty. So town and return. All washed. Clothes too. Half packed. Tomorrow is going to be an early start. I have some interesting terrain to cover. The electronic map says about 115 to where I need to be. Then 60 to Springbok. Either tomorrow or the next day. Looking forward to a bush sleep. I saw many great bridges that will accommodate this. A bit of alone time and decent riding should be good for the soul. 
I have packed and extra 5 liters of water. Bloody hell it is going to be heavy. As far as the information I have goes, there is nowhere to refill so I need to carry extra just in case. 
I am looking forward to it. Clearing the mind. Bit of hard toil. Not so much the questioning I know I will be asking myself 🤣.
So chat when I get back to town. Enjoy. Have fun. I miss you. Life is good. We are lucky people. 
Until then ✌

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