Sunday 9 August 2020

Right, Off

Well I couldn't could I? Since Saturday night about 11pm the rain has been upon us. Let's rephrase that. Someone upstairs has been crying epicly. Maybe I should stop with the upstairs and Je Sus comments. ๐Ÿค” Who knows right. Maybe this is him getting back at me for mentioning him in my blog. I doubt I am that important but you never know. 
I was dead once and I remember seeing the light. It was outstandingly beautiful. Sort of tunnel vision to a portal. Then just as I was about to jump through I was brought back to life. It really was a very surreal moment. 
Anyway back to the goings on of today. So the rain hasn't stopped until about 10 minutes ago. The sky is crystal clear and the stars are looking the brightest they have for some time. The wind seems to have dropped off as well. Who knows... maybe snow on its way ⛄☃️ wouldn't that be a treat. Well actually no. It would be bloody freezing then.
So today has just been me wandering the paths in my poncho. Checking out the river and talking with the odd person. A delicious coffee at the shop and a toilet break to finish off the days light.
There is movement planned for tomorrow. Will have to see what the weather is doing before I sign off on that one.
I hope y'all had a glorious day in your own little haven. Happy Women's day to my female friends and a few of my male ones too. May it be a peaceful and bountiful night of glorious dreams and passionate sex. Or at least a good bar of chocolate. 
Sweet dreams 

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