Thursday 27 August 2020

Best Sad Day Ever

The day started well. I went to the little kiosk for a coffee and a bun. Delicious indeed. I have breakfast available but it is actually what I eat for all 3 meals so I I though a change would be welcomed. It was indeed and I felt good. Today was a DWTFYWD do what the .... you want day. So i got back into bed and here it is 6pm. ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘พ
Not on your life. The road where you turn off to the lack of beaver continues on for a stretch. So my plan today was to do a bit of exploring on the TT bike. Trusty titanium. Not time 
time trial for you sports lovers.
Anyway bish bash bosh. I get my kit on and depart. It is back up that doomsday hill. Not any easier today but I know what I am in for. It passes quickly. There is another small road to the right before the actual road to the left. I think why not. It goes somewhere but then a gate. It is open. I think twice. Should I stay or should I go now.. I don't go. A motto of my brothers "apologize if you get caught. Otherwise just go" for some reason I decide not to try that today. I go back and up the other road. It is spectacular. The views are endless and and absolutely stunning. Protea farms to the left and right of me. If is obviously their terrain. I get to where I have been heading. Groot Winterhoek. I look around. The place looks like a shit hole. The signs are old. Rusted, faded. The road is in just as bad a shape. From what I can see neglect and abandonment are all you can see. There are what seem to be houses in the distance. They too look like second hand government vehicles. Activity and life is abundant but not somewhere I wish to be. I return disheartened and sad that our country is turning out this way. 
I get back to where I am staying and decide to purchase a few beers. I strike up a conversation with the attendant. She informs me her husband used to work at said place and left a few moons ago due to the poor attitude of the staff and management. We both sigh and I leave with my bounty to enjoy while the sun goes down. This is one of the moments I wish to forget soon as it brings me no joy. 
Well as I sit here I watch a gathering of bush chickens in front of me. That is guinea flowers to the rest of us. Bloody hell these are things are stupid. I get the impression that if you crossed the anc with the eff this would be the result. A bunch of wasted oxygen and irritating wankers. What to do. 
Tomorrows post will be back on track. Light hearted and full of ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ eyes and all ๐Ÿ‘€
You have to give credit where it is due. Whoever put eyes in a pile of poo is a number one fella. You can't make this shit up ๐Ÿ˜‰
Until happier times 
Peace out 

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