Tuesday 17 April 2018


So today was excellent. Well sort of excellent. It got better all day sort of excellent.
I awoke. It was cold and surprisingly very damp. Not rain but a thick mist everywhere. Checking the time i had an hour to spare so i moved slowly. Showered and teeth sparkling i decided to just get moving now.
Packed like a taxi driver doing a long distance drive i set off. Cold but not shivering my day started.
Just after i had turned left onto the main road i saw 2 more small brown antelope. Same sort of animal i saw as the day before. Not even 9am and ticking off the wildlife. Chin Qui.
I was not entirely sure of where this day would take me. I was just going to ride until i was done.
The miles went on. The day started to clear. I much prefer the heat of the Tankwa to the cool of the coast. I work better in the warmth.
Not far down the road i see a cyclist on a recumbent. That's a lying down. I wave, he waves back. We shout a greeting to each other and i decide to cross the road and chat with him. Well blown me down with a feather. This bloke, a Belgian has ridden from Cairo. He is almost done as his destination is Cape Town about 80kms down the road. We have some small talk and he is on his way. I didn't get many details but he was a pretty cool chap.
Not long after i see a food shop. Brakes on and screetching into the place i order food. French toast and a coke should see me good for a few hours. It was ok as food goes. I am back at work.
The miles pile up. Low and behold i see more wildlife. Again i screech to a holt. It's a tortoise about to cross the road. I don't know what to do when this happens. I lift it up and place it near a patch of grass on the other side. A quick lecture is given about the safety of cars and roads. I don't think he was paying much attention as he refused to come out of his shell. Oh well. Down the road again. Hell for leather. The speedo can't keep up. Almost not believing it i slam on the brakes again. 2 eland not far from the road. I haven't seen this much game since i was 10. Flippin cool.
As if today was all about animals i spot a few ostriches. They are running with me behind their enclosure fence. They did about 200 meters. I was absolutely grateful for my days privileges.
After my lunch stop i see this ridiculous building. It looks like a mosque. I stop and name the mosque "quito". I have a laugh to myself then move on.
The road goes on for a bit. Not much in the way of anything. I see bits and pieces but nothing to write home about.
Eventually i get to a town called Velddrift. Not a big town but my legs have seen just over a hundred kilometres and they are telling me it will be sufficient for them.
I find a municipal campsite which is actually pretty bloody nice. Not many people here apart from permanent residents.
So i am clean and ready to eat. I miss you all dearly and again i thank you for keeping up with me. Maybe one day one or all of you will join me in a small tour for a few days.
I can promise you it is an adventure to remember. Good night all and keep well.