Thursday 19 April 2018

I sit here

I sit here today a little fragile. Mana, Jacqui's Saint Bernard is not well. I am informed she has a twist of some nature in her stomach. Not only is this animal one of the most beautiful and kind creatures on this planet i had a special bond with her. I took her for walks and she was always happy to see me. Are we not the luckiest species on the planet? We get to have amazing animals live with us and be our best friend. We get to talk to them, play with them and tell them our woes. All they want is a little food and some play time. No agro, no backchat, no conditions just love and a wagging tail. I find myself very emotional and sad. She did nothing to deserve this but wag her tail and give love. If anyone ever works out why who gets what in this world and for what reason let me know. I have words for the person dishing out life gets and get nots and trust me these words are not good. If you are religious do me a favor and say a prayer for her tonight. The next few days are going to be rough for her. ♥️


  1. Mana is thankfully stable in a high care observation ward, I will get an update at 10pm, not good seeing her so poorly!! I think she is missing her dad 😢
