Friday 11 May 2018

The final countdown

The last night was upon us. We were gearing up for battle. I was as usual in my cycling kit. I didn't think anyone would notice. Half my one camp had left. They had taken the gas invention with them. We were golden though as it worked so well we had been left with enough ice for the nights festivities. I was ready for this. My whole life's partying preparation was coming to a head. I had practiced rigorously my entire life for these coming hours. The night to talk about for the rest of my life. The big one. The finalè. The grand daddy. The absolute behemoth of parties. The stuff you only hear about once a year. It was time. I loaded myself up with what was now know as my carry pack and a warmth. My carry pack was as it sounds. A small but large over the shoulder cool box. Soft material for easy and light carrying yet made to the high standards of a VW trying to beat a diesel emissions test. It was an exact science. Plus minus 4 beers for me, a gin and tonic for my girl and a drink for my friend which i had renamed paint remover. It was 3 quarters rum and one part mix of coke and water. One sip and you lit up like you had just had a swig of uranium. Truly an inspiring concoction. We had designed it on the second night. We decided we would be artisans in the world of mixology.
Off we went. The party was booming. People knew this was it. The next time we would we see this sort of debauchery was a full calendar year away. The mood was joyous and people were exuberant. My whittled down small group was on form. Everyone was on top of their game. The music from all camps was fantastic. We jumped hoped and skipped around the vast area know as the binnering. The inside of the circle. It was carnival like.
The night was going to be like no other. At this exact moment is when it hit. My legs started to wobble and my body was no better. I took a sip of the paint stripper drink thinking this would cure my woes. It didn't. I tried another sip.... again nothing. I couldn't believe what was happening. Not now. Not tonight. Not at this party. Unfortunately it was to be. I was simply exhausted and not able to carry on. It was a little short of 11pm. A tear ran down my friends faces as they watched me slowly head off to base camp for a rest. I had vowed that if i felt better i would return and carry on the fun. It was just simply not meant to be. My body was at its absolute end for the evening.
When i finally got to my abode it was all of 10 seconds before i was fast asleep.

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