Wednesday, 22 July 2020


Today was the tale of two MM's. That will be the am and the pm.
Woke as usual. Check the neck for movement. Sore but not nearly as bad as yesterday. So the planning for the day is done while I am lying in bed. I have 2 options. Stay in bed and be bored all day or get up and make a plan. So at 9 I get up and make a plan. It will be back over the hill to see if I can do it any faster without my bucket load of crap on the back. I am excited and feel up for the challenge. 
I get dressed in my own time and prepare for the onslaught that is ahead of me. My bike is stripped of its carrying harness and everything that will weigh me down is left behind. 
The warmup is obviously the trip over to the other side. Not as harsh or as steep as the return route. It goes by without a glitch and soon I am descending down into death valley. So far all is going well and the neck seems to be doing its job in a much better fashion today. I ride around the other side a bit and go and see the other camping site. Talk to the establishment manager and have a coke.
Then the gears and engine starts up for the return trip. Over the bridge and the climbing starts. I get moving as fast as I can. This is not a holiday day. It continuously gets steeper and harder. I maintain the good attitude and speed. Today is a completely different dragon now that I am just me and the bike. 
I keep pushing and continue to go flat out. Sweating like a man who is on death row. I try my best to keep it up. Eventually it all falls apart. I have to stop. 15 seconds into my pathetic breath catching stop I get going again. I am sure you heard the sonic boom. Next thing you know I am at the top. Check my effort. Pretty much half of the time from the day before. I feel happy and slightly dizzy. Think that coke was the wrong type. It was full sugar not my usual sugar free. FFS how did I get it wrong. 
Anyway so be it. I have put on 50 grams and I can't do anything about it 🤣🤣
So the pm arrives and here I sit with a beer. What a fun day. So much better than yesterday. Not sure what happened. But if it happens again I will be down to the ostrich farm to get me a longer one.
Otherwise not much to report. Things are going well and life is good. Any sponsors out there who want to pay me to do this for a job?? 
So I hope you are all doing well and keeping happy. I miss you and wish you were her to enjoy this with me. Soon I hope.
Be safe all. Be happy. And please just be cool.
Peace out.

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