Tuesday, 9 February 2021

The Continuation

I got πŸ†™️ to the most beautiful 🌞 rise this morning. Packing was fun. Still managing to find thorns a plenty. Once done it was back down to the 🍴 less the πŸ”ͺ  that led me the wrong way. About 1️⃣8️⃣ I think to the πŸ›£. The ®️6️⃣2️⃣. Yip the road Ronnie's sex shop is on. It was ⬅️ turn. The wind had dwindled down and was allowing me to get somewhere. πŸ™πŸ›. 
It was about another 1️⃣5️⃣ or so to Barrydale. Unpon arriving Barry or Dale were nowhere to be found. I did stπŸ…Ύ️πŸ…Ώ️ the garage for a coke. All done I continued my ride for the day. First to the onslaught was Tradouwpas. I mean how much luck can I have❓ Another 🀬 pass. Yay! It is dealt with painfully. All the aches from yesterday have resumed work. I feel grateful. Once at the summit a little bit of joy makes it's way out. 
From here on it is probably another 50 or so kilometers until my destination. Sort of a rolling road. Absolutely magical if you don't have any πŸŽ’πŸ›. Another story if are carrying 15 kilograms of stuff πŸ§¦πŸ¦ΊπŸ©³πŸ©²πŸ§€πŸ§’πŸ› ⚒πŸ”©⚙ etcetera. One thing that happened that blew my 🧦 off was a particular πŸš›. 
In this country if you are descending a ⛰ in a truck then you must go into low range gears so that if the brakes break you don't go flying down the hill and kill everyone. ComprendΓ¨. Well until now I haven't πŸ‘€ this happen. As I am descending one of the moderate ⛰ this πŸš› is going rather slow. Much to the annoyance of about 5 πŸš˜πŸš™πŸš—πŸš™πŸš˜ behind it. I give absolute credit to this dude for driving correctly. Thank you Sir 🎩. 
Anyway. So here I am. Back in Montagu. Off to Simonskloof tomorrow. No πŸ“Ά up there. 2 days maybe 🀷‍♂️. 
Today was actually a really good day. 4 hours 45 minutes riding. 99.68 kilometers πŸ˜…πŸ˜…. I feel great. Much better than a few days ago. So I am happy.
Sleep tight all. πŸ…±️πŸ’Š safe. 
Chat soon. 

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