Thursday, 4 February 2021

Lost 🧠

Yesterday was a hard day in the drivers πŸͺ‘. Luckily🀞🏻for me I ignored the captains advice and went straight πŸ”™πŸ†™️ the way I had arrived. I know I missed a lot of πŸ†’️ trails in Plett but I will probably be πŸ”™ there some⌚. So anyhoo. Slog it back up to the turning πŸ‘‰πŸ». Yip a ➡️ this time. Quite a bit of unmemorable stuff. ➡️↘️↗️➡️↘️↘️➡️↗️⬆️πŸ”„➡️↘️↗️➡️ comprendΓ¨? Eventually I get to the spot. Angie's G Spot. We found hers what about the rest of you πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸšΆπŸΌ‍♀️πŸ€”πŸ€·‍♂️🀯. I pull in. No one around. I leave. Usual bloody story I guess. Next is Prins Alfredpas. A πŸ†•️1️⃣ for me. I am cautioned πŸ›‚ by the 🚺 at the padstal at the bottom that it is tough. I threw her with "I am tuffer" πŸ˜‰πŸ™ƒ. She laughed, I laughed, her daughter laughed. I left. 
I took it pretty easy. Nothing steep. Just long. You go around every corner looking for some kind of summit ⛰. Nada. Nix. Nia. Fook all! Not much to do but keep going. It is pretty. Nice views, yeah I am going that slow πŸ’πŸ›. A mistake I made was I should have found a place to πŸ˜΄πŸ›Œ up there. But as usual I kept going. Finally after about 1️⃣ ➕ 3️⃣/4️⃣ ⏳ I reach the ⛰. It is quite spectacular. With no ⌚ for pleasantries I shift off. Into some disrespectful little town. A coke and chips please shop keep. πŸ₯©πŸ₯© I am in a hurry. The bounty is packed away.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr out of there. Ariva dache mofos. Off to Uniondale. It's been a long 🌞 by now. Quite a πŸ†’️ bit of road from there. Going like a πŸ‡. Into Uniondale. πŸ’πŸ‘€. This place. Yusses. I go to a few places. All rather expensive to sleep in a town that is quite frankly πŸ’©. Eventually I find a gaff 🏯 which is about alff the others. Sold I 😭. Not too bad. Think the place was made pre jesus and they haven't quite updated it yet. But it had what I need πŸ›πŸ›‹πŸš½πŸšΏπŸͺ’πŸ–₯πŸ“Ά. So it served me well.
Today, boom bastic. Quick look in the shop before I πŸ‚. They have rewritable cd's yip. That's what they sell. I left sharply. 
It was a grand ride out. Nice views. Fun riding. Good πŸ›£. Just very pleasant. 
I had no real πŸ₯… today. Just ride. So I did. Long roads. Little πŸš—πŸš˜πŸš™πŸššπŸš›πŸš I don't mean as in midgets cars I mean very few. Somewhere along the way I had to go to the 🚽 by the side of the road. This is a tricky 1️⃣. Get it right and πŸ† get it wrong and well all sorts of bad things can happen. Luckily today was πŸ†πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ». 
Into De Rust. What a little πŸ’Ž of a place. Clean 🧹 and neat. I like! What do you think... 🧠
Yes yes yes lunch bar. πŸ”πŸŸ. Good food too. Dee licous. Yum. Some young over enthusiastic waiter. Chill bra. 🧊🚢🏿‍♂️. No rush in Greg's 🌍. Lunch done. πŸš€πŸš². G O. 
It finds me here for the 🌚. I think about 50 from Prince Albert. I want to go and πŸ˜΄πŸ›Œ on the πŸ” of the Swartberg Pass again. I did 2 trips ago and it was Fan Tastic. So tomorrow πŸ›Œ Prince then up the ⛰. #excitedIam
That's all for now I guess. If you πŸ‘€ for rewritable πŸ’½ then I can assist. 
Peace out people. 
Love. Peace. Kindness. Hope. 

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