Monday, 5 March 2018

Day 4 i think.

You tend to loose track of time. I haven't posted because i have been in the Tankwa with no signal. It is simply stunning but not so much on a bicycle. It gets to 45 degrees and doesn't let up much. I decided to take the quickest route out of where i was. I am back close to Ceres. Took a road that cuts over a mountain pass. I cannot begin to describe how beautiful the area is. It is so dry yet holds your eye for longer than it should with it's simple awe. It would not be the same if there were lush vegetation all around. The peace and tranquility is run in slow motion 24 hours a day.
The campsite i am in tonight is next to a dam. Well it used to be. About an olympic size pool of water left. On my arrival i saw 2 buck scampering off. Sorry mate but i haven't showered or used a real shanks in 3 days.
I sit here now alone with my thoughts. This is the scariest part of my trip. The mind boggles and tricks are played all day with my being on this planet. Why, how for what reason? I can see why people believe in their God's. There must be more to this than going to work and building a life. For what reason? The one thing we are guaranteed in life is death. Not taxes just death.
Anyway i leave you all now in tears as i must go and do...... nothing.
Sitting under a tree amazed at how lucky i am to be able to do this trip but incredibly sad that i am by myself with no one to share it with.
Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. You write so beautifully! We are there with you in spirit and thoughts. I like this quote by Kiyosaki “face your fears and doubts, and new worlds will open to you.”
