Saturday, 17 March 2018

Where you?

Here i am. In Ceres again now. Been 2 days since we chatted properly. What's happening? Let's see.
I left Calvinia and about 6 hundred trillion and eleventy thousand and million mosquitoes. I was extremely excited to be sleeping on a mattress but as usual every time i abuse a town they get revenge on me. This time it was in the form of one of the smallest insects in the world. I just don't know where they all came from. I would kill at least 5 and then 40 of their mates would arrive. I would kill those 40 and 500 were now here. It was hell. Another night of practically zero sleep.
I left Calvinia with a sour hatred for the place. I shall burn it down one day.
The ride following is in itself magical. Light drizzle greets me for the first 40kms. Cool and refreshing i am grateful. Can the riding get any better? Yes is the answer. I get to the top of the pass and the views are another level of stunning.
Just to catch up my day was supposed to  be from Calvinia to Ceres. 245kms. With these conditions i would be there by lunch.
Unfortunately the conditions changed. It was starting to warm up. 30 then 35 then 40. 😨 i was f'ed. No better word to describe it. I do my best until i get to a number of boards at a sort of cross roads. The road wasn't cross it was more of a turn off i should say. There they are. 2 elderly folk. A man and his wife. They were in a red Defender. Cool cats. I want to be like this guy when i grow up. We chat. They have been all over and seen more than any human could write about. I tell him my story he was impressed. I tried to swop my bike for his vehicle, i had more chance of winning the lotto. He tells me to go down the dirt road to the tented camp. It's the Africa Burn venue.
Time is not on my side so we bid our farewells. Not long after i get to what he is talking about. It is cool. No it is amazingly cool. I will post pictures for you to see. I get my camp set up and ride around. About another 2kms to the actual burn site. I am astounded. A few monuments already built. It is awesome. There is not a single soul but myself. In 5 weeks time there will be 15000 people in this post code. It will be a sight.
I warn those going..... take a good pair of shoes. The ground is very sharp rock everywhere.
I also warn you to take water. For the day i was on 110kms. Information i have informs me that it's another 110kms to the next rown. I am on the longest dirt road in South Africa between 2 towns. I am amazed at my own stupidity.

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