Thanks to Tom for the escort out of town. It was a good hour and I appreciate the time.
My tent is set in the bush not far from the walking path. Only seen 2 people so far and they were very friendly going on their evening walk. A chat was welcomed and they informed me of a water source not far away. Gracious! I have had a face cloth wash so not too bad. Clothes are going to become an issue. I hope I find an open campsite before the storm on Tuesday. 🤞 or I am fucked.
Well just to let you know I am alive and had a stunning day today. Few chats have settled the nerves. I will sign off soon. I need to do nothing and get it finished before the sun goes down.
Again thank you everyone who has been a part of this to get me here and for being good people. I hope this journey is a good one.
Until then. 😎
Safe travels boss, twas nothing but a pleasure 👍