Monday, 31 August 2020


Proper Cold

Sunday 30th

So yesterday it pretty much rained all day and into the night. It was cold and very very wet. Today has been somewhat of a charming day. I woke quite early but lay in bed in my new ⛔πŸ– sleeping bag. It was cold I could feel the ice on my πŸ‘lashes. The rest of me was warm and happy.
Just after 8️⃣ I rose and made coffee, toast and boiled eggs. ☕🍞πŸ₯šπŸ₯šπŸ₯š they were going to be fried but I was not sure how well they had managed the journey back from the shops. So 25 minutes in the pot and surely they would be fine.
I had washed the night before πŸ§ΌπŸ› so all that was needed was clothes. 
Since I had missed speaking to my girlfriend and friends the day before I set off on the trek up the hill. There was water everywhere. A lot of it. Puddles, rivers and small dams even seemed to have appeared. 
I had seen a few traces of this earlier and now being half way up the hill it was clear as day. Snow. Quite a bit of it. I was actually knee deep in the stuff. Not pleasant in slip slops. My goodness what a great sight. Well I wasn't really in it but there was adequate deposits of it on the mountain tops towards the Citrusdal side. This would be why it was so cold. I had lit a fire in a wheelbarrow and was pushing it up the hill for warmth. It worked well.
At the top I hid the fire and its carrier. Time to get in touch with those who need to be contacted and let them know my will is not valid just yet. With the beneficiaries disappointed I sent my girlfriend a few messages too. All in order I needed to retreat back to my new sleeping bag (did I mention it is rated to ⛔5️⃣ degrees?)
As I lay in bed warming up I could hear the other campers packing up their weekend fun and departing. I never chat to any of them as I don't really care about them or their stories. I am just out here having fun dying of hypothermia. It's fun πŸ™ƒ
With them all gone and just myself to the place I have showered and outside sitting in the sun writing my daily happenings. 
Soon I shall start packing as I have been here a week now and quite satisfied I have seen everything. So tomorrow is moving day. I will be up early as I want to get a coffee in Porterville before I make the short journey to Piketberg. It is about an 80 km ride tomorrow so really, not much in it. Hopefully smooth sailing and camp set up by early afternoon. 
Chat then.
G πŸ’™

Sunday, 30 August 2020

One Way

Or Another

Wet 🀨🚣‍♂️

The last ⌛ 24 hours have got me thinking if doing this trip in 🌧❄☃️ winter was my best idea. Well it has not been my best idea but I am convincing myself it is not the worst one either πŸ›Ά
Yes I should have brought a canoe instead of a bike. The rain has been quite consistent. A lot of it. I put a rain gauge outside to see how much and well it has washed away. So while I don't know the quantity I can tell both times I got up to P in the night I had to dry myself off before getting back into πŸ› Luckily I am in the cottage. I fear if I was in my tent πŸ• then Wilson 🏈 and I would be near Madagascar by now. 
At about πŸ•– 7pm a few cars arrived. I knew this as the boss man moved me into a bigger room on Thursday as a group of friends was arriving and using my old address. No complaints here. It was pouring down when they arrived. I felt sorry for them. Then I put on the kettle and had a cup of coffee ☕. No point in us all being miserable. 
No ride yesterday but I walked up to the road to get signal so I could check my messages. While the walk up there was not bad at all, the return trip was a different story. As I got to the summit a dam wall broke somewhere near me and it did not stop raining until I got back. All I had was my raincoat πŸ§₯πŸ©³πŸ‘•πŸ‘‘ shorts, a tshirt and flip flops. It was the least fun I have had since finding out I am adopted 😢
Oh well such is life. If I hear one person say "it could have been worse" please let me know how. I went straight to the shower and guess what.. the hot water wasn't working 🀣 so yes it got worse. I had to run in my shorts to the other shower where luckily it was working. I can tell you now that some days a shower can really just wash your blues away. Yesterday was certainly one of them. Dry and a lot warmer I tested the new sleeping bag again. It works spectacularly πŸ†πŸ₯‡ I was warm and happy in no time. 
So I will be hanging around in my room again today. See if I can find any ants to race or probably just watch the world go by. Something very real and very calming about watching the rain and how it moves to where it goes. It certainly is a force not to be reckoned with. 
The bike has been cleaned about 4 times. All in vain probably. As soon as it gets going in the mud fest that is left behind after this it will probably need a few new parts. Well let's hope not. 
Anyway I leave you now. Be good, be good at it and no I am not adopted. 
Until warmer days. Take care.

Friday, 28 August 2020


The other day I mentioned I was missing a lucky star 🌟. Well I have been so blessed and fortunate the last week I think it was just a combination of many things. I thank you all who have helped, assisted or whom I have met. Mostly still a huge thank you to the Bothas which is where my good fortune started. 
Today was a different day. That's lucky I guess! There was supposed to be some rain. With the current weather man predictions it could have been at any time and any place. So I had eaten and was ready to rock and roll. I rode up the doomsday hill. Looked at my surroundings and decided I would return to the safety of my abode for a few hours until things cleared. Mistake 1. So I go back down and sit around for 2 hours picking my nose and talking to the guinea fowl. They really are stupid creatures. Anyway attempt 2 is made around 11ish. This time it is into town. Easy peasy. Tailwind all the way. While this sounds great, unless you win the lotto you will have to deal with that headwind on the return. 
A quick catchup with a few mates and my girlfriend of course. It is our one month anniversary. We have a good chat and then down to Spar (good for you). I get enough to keep out of eating grass for about 3 days. The one item I am extremely proud of is the 1.5liter coke zero not caine is that the returnable bottle is cheaper than the non refundable bottle. Who would have thought?!
Anyway back to the lack of beaver. You guessed it. Headwind the whole way back. In case you give a shit a quick sta tistic there..50 minutes, return 2 hours. Sure there is a bit more climbing to do and I have a full bag, but met eish. So I get back a little out of gas. What is the first thing I go for? Well I will tell you. The coke 0. I now know why it was cheaper. There is no bubbles in this bottle. Not even one. It is flat. So... I get on my bike 🀣🀣 are you nuts. That would be a 3 hour ride for a 12 rand bottle of coke. I drink the flat crap and that is mistake 2. Now I feel a bit sick! I like the bubbles they make you, make wind. A nice way to clear the exhaust. 
Anyway so be it. The rest of my food is packed away in the pantry πŸ€ͺ😳🀣 I am in a tent. It is thrown to one corner. 
Actually this is where another of my lucky stars arrives 🌟 When I got here I booked in as told by the sign at the gate. At the desk the lady informs me I can stay in the manor house as they are going away 😳😳 just kidding. She says I can stay in one of the little cabins for the same price. So voila. Here it is. 
I am washed, so are my clothes. I am warm. My clothes are wet. Not all, just the washed ones. My bike is next to me. This is important. Without it I have a very very long walk ahead. So best it stays next to me 2️⃣4️⃣⚫7️⃣ 
This trip would take slightly longer on foot. 
I will probably be hiding out here for the next 48 hours. Well that is if the weather guesser has got 10 per cent of his guesses right for this weekend. It said ⛔2️⃣ for Saturday. That probably just means death. Nice knowing y'all. Throw my ashes or frozen corpse whichever one it is in the Tankwa Karoo. Just out the window is fine if it is too cold to get out. With my bike please. If I ever thaw out I can get going again 🏴‍☠️πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡Ό
Great success. Okay I don't have anymore than that for today. 
I hope you are all well. I miss you all. Some more than others 🀣🀣πŸ€ͺ
Chat soon amazing people 

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Best Sad Day Ever

The day started well. I went to the little kiosk for a coffee and a bun. Delicious indeed. I have breakfast available but it is actually what I eat for all 3 meals so I I though a change would be welcomed. It was indeed and I felt good. Today was a DWTFYWD do what the .... you want day. So i got back into bed and here it is 6pm. πŸ€ͺπŸ‘»πŸ‘Ύ
Not on your life. The road where you turn off to the lack of beaver continues on for a stretch. So my plan today was to do a bit of exploring on the TT bike. Trusty titanium. Not time 
time trial for you sports lovers.
Anyway bish bash bosh. I get my kit on and depart. It is back up that doomsday hill. Not any easier today but I know what I am in for. It passes quickly. There is another small road to the right before the actual road to the left. I think why not. It goes somewhere but then a gate. It is open. I think twice. Should I stay or should I go now.. I don't go. A motto of my brothers "apologize if you get caught. Otherwise just go" for some reason I decide not to try that today. I go back and up the other road. It is spectacular. The views are endless and and absolutely stunning. Protea farms to the left and right of me. If is obviously their terrain. I get to where I have been heading. Groot Winterhoek. I look around. The place looks like a shit hole. The signs are old. Rusted, faded. The road is in just as bad a shape. From what I can see neglect and abandonment are all you can see. There are what seem to be houses in the distance. They too look like second hand government vehicles. Activity and life is abundant but not somewhere I wish to be. I return disheartened and sad that our country is turning out this way. 
I get back to where I am staying and decide to purchase a few beers. I strike up a conversation with the attendant. She informs me her husband used to work at said place and left a few moons ago due to the poor attitude of the staff and management. We both sigh and I leave with my bounty to enjoy while the sun goes down. This is one of the moments I wish to forget soon as it brings me no joy. 
Well as I sit here I watch a gathering of bush chickens in front of me. That is guinea flowers to the rest of us. Bloody hell these are things are stupid. I get the impression that if you crossed the anc with the eff this would be the result. A bunch of wasted oxygen and irritating wankers. What to do. 
Tomorrows post will be back on track. Light hearted and full of πŸ’©πŸ’© eyes and all πŸ‘€
You have to give credit where it is due. Whoever put eyes in a pile of poo is a number one fella. You can't make this shit up πŸ˜‰
Until happier times 
Peace out 

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Some Heavy Lifting

Hello There

Shopping Ride.

It was a good night. Slept well with only getting up twice to P. Normally it's more than that so feeling quite fresh. I wake but have a few naps until it is time to get ready for the ride to Spar (good for you). Teeth fresh with the tooth brush not the bike brush I dress accordingly. I take a minute or two to debate with the better informed about a jacket. Where I start it is perfect with warming conditions. I um and rrr about the jacket. I even try it on a few times and do a brisk walk to see if needed or not. Eventually the decision is made to wear it. 
The descent yesterday into this little spot was fun. But I forgot how steep it was. I was on a shopping trip so the bag was currently empty and I was hammering it full gas. Bad idea. About 1 kilometer into the 3.5 climb I run out of hammer. It turns into a sweaty ball ache of a climb. It is steep. 90 degree steep. Well that's what it feels like. It doesn't take long luckily. At the summit I am greeted by 3 clipspringers. Well that's what they looked like. It could have also been one and me seeing 3 through my bleeding eyes.
Town arrives without much to talk of. It was quick and a lot of fun. Coffee is drunk at the usual spot then off to Spar (good for you). I get the requirements and a couple of lotto tickets just for good luck. Fingers crossed readers... if I win big, party on me. Well I mean I will pay for it. Not literally on me. Whatever. 
The journey back is slightly more difficult. Headwind now. A bit more gas is needed to do the trip. Good thing I had a pie and some coke.. I mean a coke before I left. It keeps the legs burning long enough until my randaval is reached. 
Today is the first time I have escorted a packet of eggs back with me. I am a little nervous to see if any of them have hatched or broken on the return leg. It is a real drum roll moment. 
The weather seems to be changing a little. Rain predicted tonight. The hatches are buttoned down (what a stupid saying) and the life raft has been assembled outside my door. Hopefully it won't be too bad. Currently while I sit here watching the sun go down I can hear a male baboon informing something he won't tolerate any nonsense. No.. there is no tv here and I don't think we are getting an update from anyone tonight so it is definitely a baboon.
Besides I could clearly understand what he was informing the other party about. 
Again not much really to report on. Things are good and apart from the heavy rain predicted in a day or two it will be lots if riding with sightseeing in abundance. 
Be good all. Sleep tight. 

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Some Days

Today has been one of those days. It is Monday after all. You wake up. Think ugggggh tsek Monday. Then you lay in bed and think about the past few days where you have had such a good and fortunate few days you wish to carry that into your day. 
Well my day actually was just bloody grand all over. Got up. Breakfast was eaten. Eggs and a toast. A spoil to start the week. Why not. It is the last week of owgust and to be fair the last few days have been more than generous to me. I count my lucky stars and see I am one short. Hopefully it will arrive during the day. 
After breakfast it is a shower. Clean and sparkling I don the riding clothes. They smell a bit. Well probably not. I am very conscious of my BO so it may just have been me. Packed and ready to FO I bid my farewell to my abode and get moving. It is a short ride today. Not much in it. 25kms or so and about 500 meters of climbing. Sort of beginner stuff. The road is pretty empty which suits me perfectly. 
It takes a while to warm up. Well actually I am here now and still waiting to warm up so that shows it was a really nice day. Down the road. Hook a right. From dirt to tar. It is that steep they needed to tar it. Otherwise wheelies all the way up. About halfway up I see a car that didn't make a corner. Looks like it has been there a while. I shout... you okay? Nothing in return. Oh well. 
The mist is cold and brisk. Not too bothered but as me mate Dave knows I prefer a slightly warmer day. So anyway I get to the top. Just beautiful. The Citrusdal valley. No mist over here. Just views for days. The descent has less tar. It is kind of hit and miss. You fuck it up and you will be testing your medical aid. I saw a red helicopter yesterday so I give it my best shot. Well to be fair to be fair it was quite enjoyable. 
I arrive at Beaverlac. Yes no beaver here. That suits me just fine as my girlfriend is back in CT where I hope to be in the not too distant future. 
Clothes washed, bike checked it is a bottle of wine to keep me company until the morrow. It will be a fun ride around the area and back to town for a coffee. The place is quiet. I don't see any other campers. I like that. Not like when the Kumars arrived at midnight a few weeks back. Just not on. 
Sorry for the slow and uneventful day. I had some time spare so thought I would just post a quick one. Anyway if you got this far you probably as bored as me right now. Just kidding I don't get bored. I find all sorts of things to occupy my time. I bought a toothbrush the other day just to clean my bike. Talk about filling time. It was fun. The crowning moment was when I realized I had bought a hard bristled brush instead of a medium one. Imagine that. Bloody dumbass. Anyway it shines like a second hand bike now. So job done. 
Right off for a meander round the river. Will post a few stationary movies for your enjoyment. 
Remember to take some time out and come here. 🦦 lac yeah I know that's an otter. Same thing. Well sort of. Probably. A little bit.
Until then. Be good. 

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Wolseley Breakfast

Let's Go


Friday... was a night under the trees. In my tent, happy with a short ride and a perfect camping spot. Close to the road and an amazing little stream close by to wash and drink from. It was a very cool night. Well except for the fact that the blow up pillow I have was well blown up. Not holding air I struggled a tad for comfort. 
Saturday morning. Boom early up. Bike ✔ stuff ✔ useless blow up pillow ✔ little did the pillow know it's new home would be the dustbin as soon as I could find one. It already had one patch and clearly felt it needed retirement. So it got its wish. On the bike through Villiersdorp. Uneventful. Hammer down πŸ”¨ and light up the legs for Worcester. It came a lot sooner than I had planned for the day. I needed to eat and a coffee. Something about Worcester. No great coffee shops. Well none I could find. So off to the golden arches for a happy meal and a coke. Man it was good. Ronald McDonald is quality food... said no one ever. It did the job though. Fed and thirst temporarily quenched I took off.
Not really sure of what, where, how or why. Well I knew where. Towards Porterville. But that was far away and probably too much for the day.
Straight off the bat into a head wind. Yay! Stomach gurgling from the 5 star lunch I had just thrown at it. I thought it was going to come straight out the other end. It was clenching time.
So off I go. Destination anyone's guess. Then I come across a Padstal. That is a shop to those looking cconfused. The door is closed but I see a small group of people on the top stoep. A gentleman comes and informs me they are closed but as he sees my bike and gear he invites me upstairs to join them. 
This is where my world will change for the day. He is having a catch up with his friends. Cyclists. It is the first day he has reopened his new Padstal. I am told business was good and they are happy with the day. I then mention I am looking for a place to stay for the night.
I need to tell you now that I will never forget the kindness shown. They have a room on their farm in their house across the road. The bed is made and I will sleep there. It was absolutely 5 star. 
I was provided with dinner and met the whole family. What an absolutely cool family. Close and best of friends. It was such an overwhelming moment. We all chatted and watched a few moments of their cycling trip in Ireland. Absolutely cool.
This morning was a coffee and off. The owners joined me until Wolseley where we enjoyed another drink and breakfast. Many of my farming questions were answered. I am now a little wiser to the goings on on a farmstead. It is more than I ever dreamed of.
Here I am now. Porterville. Small town. Just a night here. Off to Beaverlac tomorrow for a few days. If you don't know it please google it. It is a fantastic spot. 
So a massive thank you to the Botha family, their hospitality was grand. I am grateful for meeting them. 
Off to clean and rest now. Again grateful for this experience and all it is teaching me. Be a better person. Look out for everyone. And most of all just be who you are. Always just be you and life will work out perfectly. 
Me πŸ’™

Friday, 21 August 2020

Where You Been

So it has been a few days of rest. I asked a very special lady to come and join me so we could both take a break from our current lives and spend some time together. It was a fantastic time. Not to mention that we managed to get 2 very nice wine tastings in. Let's hope this time they keep it open or at least give us a few days notice if they are going to be complete wankers again. One has to wonder if they know what they are doing and if they actually care about the citizens of this country at all.
So our time was spent at Oak Lane Cottages. A grand little place and very romantic. It suited our time together perfectly. Not really much to report apart from the fact that there was no riding done and little news I can tell you all. 
Back on the bike today and I will be doing probably another 2 weeks of this until I head back to CT. I need to find work and a place to stay. That is not for now so as of tomorrow i will be posting my rides again. 
Just to let you know I am safe and things are good. Not really much to complain about at all. Life is treating me very good and I am happy.
Be good all and chat soon.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Low Level What

Today was absolutely grand. I woke. In a bed. With a heated blanket. I had slept well. One wake for a pee at midnight and that was it. It had been sleep I was looking for after the previous nights mess. 
A quick cycle to the spar for essentials almost got me into trouble. While I am busy locking my bike to the security gate of the spar tops (that's the bottle store) to those not in the know, the security guard comes over and says I can't lock it there. A small debate starts as to why not. When I say debate I mean I told him it would stay locked there until I had bought the neccessary. Then he points to the sign where it says "chemist". Well same thing really just different medicine. I humbly apologize and move it to the fire hydrant. This time he just shakes his head and says whatever. 
Shopping done I head back. Collect my washing which was done by the lady owner and get on my way. 
Things went quickly today. Through Ceres. Over Michelle's pass. Stop for a quick pie. Into Worcester and going extremely well. I look for a coffee shop on my way through but no luck. I continue with my journey. 
Today has 2 options. Both roughly the same distance and time. I decide on the more scenic route and hopefully less traffic. It is a sharp left onto the road. The tailwind this whole trip has been outstanding. I mean pushing me along at almost 25km an hour. With 15 odd kilos of gear that is pretty good going. So anyway down the road I go. Same brilliant speed with not a care in the world. Up over the hill down the other side and this is where things change. There are some barrels in the road. Whatever. Boom straight through. Only to be met by a river. Yes a river. Not dance or cry me but a real river. 
There next to the river are is a sign "Occasional Flooding" I read that as when Greg is coming through we will flood it. I check my 4 maps. They all state it clearly. Occasional flooding. It is the Breede River and with all the rain it is flooding. 
I take my shoes and socks πŸ₯ΎπŸ§¦ off and start walking out. I don't get far before I know walking my stuff over is probably not going to end well. 
So I look back up the hill. The wind blowing me straight in the face and my day has just got 90 minutes longer. 
I slog it back up the hill and down towards the road. I actually find myself laughing. I had read the map the night before and thought what a stupid thing to write on a map.
Anyway here I am. Rivierplas Campsite. It is a cool spot. The only guy here. The boss man tells me there are no other bookings as there is a storm predicted for tomorrow. I know this too. I have tried to find the best spot for the 2 days. If you don't hear from me again you know why. I am 🍞. I hold my fingers crossed. Not sure what to expect. I turned around here when I first started this trip and called it quits about 2 months ago. 
Hopefully my decision to wait out the storm here pays off 🀞 
Until then. 
Signing out.

Thursday, 13 August 2020


I am using my out tonight. What is that? It is an out. Which part don't you get? I am allowed one night per trip to live life large. Get me a proper bed, some indoor heating and a bottle of smuggled wine. Cost... who cares. Put it on the slate. 
Yesterday in the mud was hard. The bike took a πŸ”¨ing. Bikes do not like mud people. Not even mountain bikes. Not even my bike πŸ€ͺ. Last nights sleep was atrocious. Get there. As said, over charged. Then the πŸ¦„ supposed to be a donkey that makes hot water is about as much use as the current president. I know right how shit could it be πŸ₯Ί well if it wasn't there nobody would know. 
So a cold shower is taken. Well it is looked at and quickly jumped in and out of. Like being at a trance party with no πŸ„πŸ„. Might as well be ten pin bowling at the cemetery. You get my drift.
So anyway to try and get warm water for the morning I put more wood in this donkey. I mean there is no space for air anymore. 
Now I should mention here that this is not a good idea. Not anywhere near a good idea. Like this government running this country. You know very soon it's gonna break. So 3 hours into my sleep I am awoken by this noise equivalent to the first goal we scored in the 2010 world cup. I jump to my feet. It is pitch black and so are the blacks. I open the door and go outside. It seems I have blown the mains. There is no water. Hot, cold or indifferent. The taps are dry. The good news is the grass is getting the watering of its life by the broken pipes. Well I see why you charged me an extra 20 madibas now. To fix that shit.
I go back to bed. What am I supposed to do.. I get up at 6.30 pack and make a B line for the hills. Quite literally straight up a hill.
The coffee shop at op die berg sees me next. Breakfast and coffee please waitron. Don't spare the beans. I am needing a little help in my ride today and a good dose of exhaust fumes may make life a tad easier. Down Gydo pass and into Ceres. My second 50kms flies by. I am pleased to say I enjoyed it immensely. Which finds me here. Cozy Corner. If you ever ever everrrrr  need a spot in Ceres hit this place up. It is a gem.
Dinner done, thanks steers and a red vino purchased from the street corner I am happy to be sleeping in a proper bed with an electric blanket πŸ”ŒπŸ”‹
We are currently load shitting so this will post when the πŸ’ behind the switches thinks we have paid our dues. 
I would love to say this country is a 🚽 and I am leaving but I cannot. 
My cherry tart is in Zimbabwe, my soul is here and I love this place. I want my ashes to be scattered over the rock in my earlier photo. Throw me there. Take a crate of good whiskey for those who make the journey and enjoy life. It is the only one we have. I feel grateful that I get to do this trip. What happens after I don't know. I also can't go around worrying about it. Enjoy the moment. Seize the day. 
If one thing in this world. I wish for those who have destroyed countries to live an eternal world of sorrow. They have no idea. 
Sweet dreams 

Breakfast Lunch Dinner


Today I needed to move. I had been at Jamaka for 10 days and life was wearing thin there. Bored πŸ’©less and tired of the rain. So I got up and decided today would be to Allandale campsite. 
It started okay. I left in the dry but you could see this was not going to last long. No problem... I had my shit together for this kind of gig. Winter gloves 🧀 a sort of Jack πŸ§₯ and a buff for my growing 🦲. So off I go. I have done this ride so nothing too fancy in the way of surprises. Well that was my thought. 
Get to Algeria and swing a right πŸ‘‰ up the nicely paved road. The rain starts. Not too heavy so I carry on. By the top of the pass there is a mutual decision made to put on the waterproof poncho 🦺. This thing is for real. Ain't no water getting in. But I am already half drenched so who cares. The one issue with this thing is that it does not let air in either. Fine for now and it is cool and quite cold actually. I get going down the other side. 
Suddenly I hear an almighty swoosh and something has happened. I stop and look and see the damage. My mace has fallen off the handle bars and activated. Thing is going nuts. Well not wanting to see the result I check off instantly. My eyes had already started to water and the nose was not doing much better. So long mace in your face. 
I get to the turn for Citrusdal and make the left. All in good order. I reach the town and place my order at the coffee shop. Burger and chips πŸ”πŸŸ☕ and a coffee. While waiting for said order I pop to the spar (good for you) and pick up a few supplies. I haven't eaten in 24 hours as my stash of nyum nyums was depleted the day before at lunch. Burger and chips don't see much air time and the coffee is good. I wish them well and check off.
I reponcho as it looks like I am heading into the 7the natural wonder of the world. It is a 8km climb to my destination. Well luckily the heavens stayed their ground. The price for this was I had lost about 50kgs in sweat. You would never have guessed it was bone 🦴 dry where I had come from. Out of water I asked the desk clerk where the fire hydrant was. She kindly pointed me in the direction. 
So here I am. Allandale. Last time I will come here. Website says R80 my charge R100. I told the lady at the desk. She looked at me like I was fucking Luke Skywalker. Maybe R20 for the water 🀷‍♂️ The donkey took ages to heat the water and I am just generally not impressed with the place. Anyway such is life. 
Let's hope the robbers don't come as I have nothing to defend myself with. 
With a bit of luck maybe some hot water in the am. Fingers crossed. Also no signal or wifi here. Need to check in with people and I haven't been able to do that.
I am safe and sound. This will post when signal returns. 
Sleep tight all. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

R & R

Today was a day of R&R after the rain from Sunday. Yes you guessed it. I watched almost the entire lot of vacay tioners pack up and go back to wherever they came from. This included the neighbor who had my glasses for 2 days. I nearly flipped him the bird when he left. Clearly no anger there Greg. 
Let me tell you. Some of these little stick creatures have spent a fair amount of gold on their moveable assets. On Thursday night when I was coffeeing it up with my Christian friends a Land Rover pulled in with what could only be described as a REAL 4X4 massive proper proper caravan. I was joking with them when it arrived that the driver would flip a switch and this thing would become a 4 bedroom all on suite home away from home. And guess what.. it almost did just that. So anyway another tough job for him today was hit that switch again so it could retract into a moveable trailer. I am still flabbergasted at this monstrosity. He has my upmost respect. 
All the others had to dry out tents or bits of tent. It was quite a spectacle. Camping should become a watched sport on tv. It is hours of endless entertainment. 
So here I find myself. Almost alone and very peaceful. The screaming children no more. The single drunk woman who thinks we all give a shit about her mate who we now know is not that pleasant. The over zealous alpha male who cooked everyone dinner to perfection over a bag of coals. It came and left like a storm. As quick as a flash. 
They all looked and waved their goodbyes which was somewhat quiet warming. They all had their little bit of heaven for a few days and return to whatever needs to be done. I thank them all for their time here as it made mine slightly more enjoyable. Amusing at times but also thankful now they have all gone.
I am definitely more of a less is more kinda person. Quality will always outdo quantity. I would rather have 5 invested friends that 500 acquaintances. Because those 5 will be a part of who I am. 
I shall be heading to Grabouw in a day or two's time. There is a special person I shall be meeting there. 
Take care y'all.
Peace out. 

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Right, Off

Well I couldn't could I? Since Saturday night about 11pm the rain has been upon us. Let's rephrase that. Someone upstairs has been crying epicly. Maybe I should stop with the upstairs and Je Sus comments. πŸ€” Who knows right. Maybe this is him getting back at me for mentioning him in my blog. I doubt I am that important but you never know. 
I was dead once and I remember seeing the light. It was outstandingly beautiful. Sort of tunnel vision to a portal. Then just as I was about to jump through I was brought back to life. It really was a very surreal moment. 
Anyway back to the goings on of today. So the rain hasn't stopped until about 10 minutes ago. The sky is crystal clear and the stars are looking the brightest they have for some time. The wind seems to have dropped off as well. Who knows... maybe snow on its way ⛄☃️ wouldn't that be a treat. Well actually no. It would be bloody freezing then.
So today has just been me wandering the paths in my poncho. Checking out the river and talking with the odd person. A delicious coffee at the shop and a toilet break to finish off the days light.
There is movement planned for tomorrow. Will have to see what the weather is doing before I sign off on that one.
I hope y'all had a glorious day in your own little haven. Happy Women's day to my female friends and a few of my male ones too. May it be a peaceful and bountiful night of glorious dreams and passionate sex. Or at least a good bar of chocolate. 
Sweet dreams 

Rain Much

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Tonight Proper

I sit here now after a good day. Am I happy? Yes! Am I sort of disappointed? Yes! Why I hear myself ask. Well let me tell you Greg.
So you already know that I lost my glasses right? Well I am back in the possession of them. You are thinking I was a little drunk or playing a game of hide and seek on myself. Well you would be absolutely correct in both thoughts of mind but neither of those have led to me being back in possession of my glasses. 
I went and spoke to the head chief here. Jannie. Or Yunny for us English speaking people. I tjoon him, exay my sun unbrightiners have gone missing. Line up your workers including you for the Greg "I is lying test" so he does as asked. They all passed. Kak and betal I say to the owen. He says listen up china. They will come around somehow. I say no way bru they have saddam hussein. He says listen up honkey they will reappear just hold your horses. I give him 48 times 60 minutes to come up with my shades.
So as it goes. I left them where I was doing my washing of clothes. I knew that obviously! It was a test. Then the poop hole, excuse my french, who is in a caravan not far from me picks them up and holds onto them. 
So today I am plugging in my dog and bone to charge and this spider the size of a vehicle jumps out and pulls the plug slider down. Je Sus I had done a naughty in my pants. 
As this is unfolding a guy walks over and says don't worry that is just a rain spider and shoos it away so I can be about my business. Then this oke says to me "have you lost your sunglasses" I said not sure about lost but yes they are missing. He says to me he picked them up and was holding onto them. 
Well I near have a coronary right there. I am so happy. I don't need to explain the brand or anything he knows they are mine. 
So here is my problem. 2 days down the line and suddenly he asks me if they are mine. I have been here. He has been here. It was quiet 2 days ago. Why not come and speak to me then. Was the MF going to steal my glasses. I don't know. I was too elated to get them back to ask any questions. Why did he not just leave them there. I mean WTF MF. I have been so sad for 2 days. That is 48 by 60 minutes. That is 172 800 seconds I have been thinking all sorts of things about my glasses. Why I ask did he not tjoon me earlier. 
Anyway so be it. I have them. I have my faith restored in jesus and I await his return. The airports are all still empty by the way friend. We await your homecoming. 
In between all this I had a lovely ride today and 3 showers. So I feel squeaky clean and ready for bed. 
Sleep tight all. Be good but most importantly give people back their sunglasses. 

Windy Much

This Is My Favorite Photo

So Many Captions Here

Friday, 7 August 2020

Today Today

I know that riding on the N7 is illegal. I know why. But today I thought I would spice up my ride and do a short (30km) stretch on it. Well holy crap I am an absolute idiot. The cars pass very close by and very fast. I was keeping my wits about me but it was very sketchy. I will keep in mind not to make that mistake again. 
Anyway back at Jamaka safely but unfortunately a lesson has been learnt. I lost my glasses yesterday somewhere. No booze no night clubs just somehow managed to lose them. This really pisses my off as they were very nice expensive ones. I am feeling sad and down today. I will catch up with you all tomorrow. Happy start to the long weekend. I hope you are all safe and have a fantastic day. 


Today has been an absolutely incredible day. It started with a ride to Uitkykpas. Photo supplied. Thanks Greg. You're welcome Greg. 
It was an up and down sort of ride. Nothing hard, nothing technical just a bish bash bosh ride. Get home. Clean make fire have a few beers that sort of gig. You know nothing special just the usual. 
Then I go see these 4 chaps staying in a camp not far from me. They promised me a grand cup of coffee on which they most certainly delivered. 
Here is the story. These 4 guys all know each other through a church they went to. They have come camping together. No longer at the same church but best of mates. I tell you never in my wildest thoughts would I have come up with what they told me. I thought they were here on a bachelor party or something of that sorts.
They are excellent guys. Luckily I kept quiet until I knew what the deal was. I told them I am not of the faith but they were not concerned. 
The one guy who is American by birth told me he lost the way a bit but the 3 other guys had helped him through faith. All of their stories and lives had me almost believing I was listening to something out of a book. Different lives and completely different backgrounds but friends here they were enjoying life to its absolute best. I was shocked and completely fascinated by how they were here. I completely underestimated them and man what a cool bunch of guys. They are living life with no reservations and happy to be part of this current world. I was not sure about going to meet them but they have made me realize that I can sometimes be completely wrong about people and for this I am extremely sorry. 
I try to never judge or expect anything from anyone I ever meet. Tonight has shown me that I need to be a little bit of a better person. 
They are off tomorrow but if I see them I will wish them farewell and happy journeys ahead. 
I am writing tonight not because of any other reason than to say I am grateful I met these guys. I will not become religious because of them but they have taught me again not to judge a book by its cover. 
Their stories remain with me. Almost unbelievable but you could see these guys were best of friends and that was not going to change. 
I thank them for the chats and their time. It was truly inspiring. 
Until then. Be good. 
Peace out. 

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Quick Catchup

I forgot where I left off so this will be just a short run through of the last 24 hours. 
Yesterday was a bit of a write off. Rain here and there, windy and just generally not the kind of day that makes me get up and want to go riding. So it was in and out of the tent, short walks here and there and many many jerseys. You see I am in the deepest part of the valley next to a river. In summer wa wa we wa. In winter when it gets cold not so much. I recorded 0 degrees between somewhere yesterday and when I woke up this morning. How do I know.. well because my weather app told me so. Let's think about 0 degrees. That means there is no temperature. None. God was too busy with something to give Greg even one 1️⃣ degree of temperature. So thanks my man in the sky. Hope you get a bone in your chicken pie and die. 
Well I guess he can't die but what a πŸ₯© for giving me no temperature. To add to this small but important error he had terrible wind from something he ate recently. It nearly took the top of my tent off. I am lucky to be here.
So yesterday was binned and today there was hope for much better conditions. Well when I woke up it was cold. Not brrrrr cold. It was bad language cold. Luckily I was kept warm by my latest purchase. A -5 sleeping bag. I strongly recommend this kind of utensil if you go camping in winter. Otherwise you will probably die, like the guy in the sky. But apparently he is coming back. Well all the runways are empty mate so in your own time.
I eventually got up at around 8.30. Did my makeup and got ready. It was a shopping ride. I had run out of food so it was kind of important. All dressed and ready to go by 9. I have winter gloves and an excellent jacket so that part would survive the journey. Unfortunately I don't have shoe covers or winter socks so my toes didn't fair so well. All I remember is that I had 10 and now I have 8. They are not in my shoes or socks so hopefully they will turn up somewhere sometime.
To town it was. Shopping done and dusted. Food for 4 days hopefully. That is 8 KFC burgers and chips. All stacked away and awaiting their turn to be eaten. I think the day 4 ones may be a little dry.
Home to shower, shave and wash clothes. Daily routine stuff.
I lay in bed now. Warm, dry and missing y'all. I am not sure how much longer I will be out here. 
Be good everyone and look after each other. 

Monday, 3 August 2020

Social Ride

When I say social I mean a ride by myself. Like what did you think... that there are 20 people here with bikes looking to go for a ride 🀣🀣.
The weather was legit. I mean proper innit. Like 20 to 25. So not hot. Wind!! None to be talked of. Conditions perfect. 
So 9am I get going. It is an easy meander for the first 19kms to the T junction where a sharp left is done. No traffic or traffickers to speak of. Again such a beautiful ride next to Clanwilliam dam. I forgot how BIG this dam is. It are like massive geyser! As per the pictures you can see she is full. Full of H 2 O. To the brim. It is peaceful and quite enjoyable. 
Now I been riding next to this thing for 10kms and still going. Make that 15kms. In fact it must have been nearly 20kms before the turn off left comes. I am happy to report that all was in order. 
But was it? Well there is a little fuck up somewhere. You see they are extending the dam wall up. What does that mean. It means more water YAY. Except for one fact. Well as per the one picture the dam is already encroaching on the road. Correct. So if they raise the dam wall exactly how the F are vehicles going to use the road? 
It is in exactly this spot that a sign post is across the road saying "plot for sale" I wonder why πŸ˜… you gonna need an amphibious vehicle to own this plot. I mean the driveway will not be in existence. It will be.... under water. I hope this guy sells quick 🀣
So whichever desk driver did this calculation must be patting herself on the back πŸ˜‰. Anyway not Greg's problem. 
Then the left turn. Now it is not the steepest or the longest climb so I go full gas with no horses spared. Well. It is longer than I thought. Yip quite a bit longer. I get to about 3/4 the way up and a dude with his family in a hired campervan slow down and say if you want hang off the back. I say with tears streaming down my face that I am enjoying this and he may carry on. No sooner than he is out of sight and I have to pull over for water, oxygen, new legs, some epo and an embarrassing talking to myself. 
All done I finish the climb. Not too bad all in all. It is here that I see said campervan on the side of the road. Battery dead. The man has his wife and 3 daughters pushing it to start it. I offer to help but they say not to worry. So I carry on.
Don't be stupid. I throw my bike aside and get him to enough speed to jump start the van. He assures me he is on his way to Clanwilliam to get it sorted. We wave goodbye and the van explodes as he departs. 
Nah. That would be a sad ending. They do a U turn and drive back up the road. We both wave like long lost friends. 
Then home it was to wash and rest. Just under 3 hours. 60km ride. Super fantabulous. Loved it. 
Another day done. I am grateful today for what I have and what allows me to be part of my life. 
Sleep tight all. We are lucky to be here.

Very Full

Clanwilliam Full

Sunday, 2 August 2020



Yesterday was a good day. I had slept in the forest and there was a stream close by which had me clean and hydrated. The water from these streams is refreshingly cold. Washing your body with the running water is quite alarming. You get to feel the freshness and cleanliness running into you like a steam train. I wouldn't change it for love nor money. 
I was close to Oasis of which I knew there would be a sandwich with hot chips as soon as I could arrive. I think by now they have clocked me with that one. It definitely keeps the engines firing. 
All done with a glass of milk I thank the owner once again for my meal and pay the outstanding balance. I feel this exchange was one worth its weight in gold.
I decide to try and shoot through a small area just to the left of my route. By all accounts it should save me at least a sixpence in energy. I make the turn to the left and travel up the slight incline. I knew this part. You could see it from the road. It goes a bit further and then further still. I am now beginning to wonder how short this cut will be! I must have been 20 minutes in when I realized I had made the devastating mistake of not being right. I was still going up. This had now become the joke on me. It was not good. My stomach was trying to digest half a loaf of bread 2 tomatoes and a great serving of hot chips. It was not good.
To add to my dilemma it was now getting warm. Sorry excuse that. It was fucking hot. I was bleeding from both eyeballs and at least one ear. The thought of turning around crossed my mind. I couldn't now I was too invested in this mother of all fuck ups. I would have to be removed from this mountain dead before I was going to give in. 
So here I am writing from heaven. Yip that's petty much it. The hill won and I sit here talking to my friend Je Sus who says he is returning to see you all soon.
Well I get into this little village. It is pretty. Not worth the kidney and lung I left somewhere but a pretty little place. The good news is the exit to this place is another great big mountain. I fill up with water and wish the place well by throwing a match in the dry fields. Ariva Dache small village.
I return to the place where I would have been an hour ago if I had just taken the road more traveled. Anyway I am happy and back on track. 
It leads me to a pass I have been very recently. Sederbergpas. It is stunning. Busier than last time I was there but the views were still magical and breathtaking. 
Which lead me to my destination for the night. Good old Jamaka. Also quite busy.  I have found a quiet spot near the back. Borrowed my cushions from the camper and had an outstanding nights sleep. 
Today has been a quick shoot into town for supplies. It was relatively quiet all round which was pleasant. Washed and cleaned I shall rest for the afternoon. Maybe get me a beer. Let's see how the chips fall. 
Be good all. Chat soon and tale care.

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Fellow Cyclist

Just After

So, just after yesterday's post while I am on my way to have a gander at the Karoo I see a faint outline of what looks like a walker quite far in the distance. I check again. Yip looks like a walker and will see him shortly. 
Well my eyes they are not as good as they used to be. It was not a walker. Not Johnny Walker or any other walker. It was a cyclist. I know right. The middle of fucking nowhere and I bumb into a cyclist. I forget his name (sorry man) but we chat for a good few minutes. He is coming from the direction I am going and he is heading into the Cederberg. The place I am today. It was a good chat and what a nice guy. A teacher. Since schools are closed had a week off and decided to have a cycle. I am grateful for the chat and hope he is where he needs to be safely. 
After our discussion I carry on. Find a perfect spot at the top of the pass. It really was absolutely stunning. I drop my bags and head on down to the Tankwa Padstal. The owners son is behind the counter and we exchange pleasantries. He informs me his parents are having a well deserved day off. I am pleased this business is still in operation. Quite a few have not been so lucky!
I do my purchase. Coke, I mean a coke, barone and a big packet of salt and vinegar chips. They were all almost devoured by the time I had paid. They have free wifi so it was used unsparingly. I even checked my bank balances but it seems they are the same. Empty. 
I get back up the pass in record time. I have no luggage slowing me down and so far the day had been pretty easy riding. Before long I was at my spot with a cold beer and my feet up. Watching the world go by and having a few thoughts about how life is currently playing out. 
Satisfied with my days events I climbed into my sleep easy bed and pulled the duvet up. The only thing left for this day was to switch off the chandelier in the middle of my bedroom. 
Chat soon people. Be good. Be good at it. And look after yourself.