What's with these songs in my heeeeaaad, in my heeeeaaad!
It was a fine morning to be riding. ๐ check. Slight tail๐ฌ check. 4968๐ก๐ก degrees check. To start off ๐ฟ๐งผ๐งฝ๐ช and the other one. You know it. Rhymes with loo and goes in it. Clean, fresh and sparkling I find myself packed and at the office paying m Clinton ๐งพ❗
Brief chat with the owner and he informs me some other riders left at 6, it was now a quarter past ๐ฐ. The word is they are going to Ceres but through the Tankwa ๐ฌ๐ณ hold the ☎️. Have they seen the ๐ก for today ๐คฃ. I thank him for my stay and depart. Good ๐ is that the first 2kms are downhill ๐บ. Bad ๐ is that there is a 7km climb after that ๐จ๐ป๐ฆฏ. Met eish.
It's down I go. Fill my bottles at the river then hit the first climb. It is still pretty cool so I battle it out as best I can. Done with that it is a ⛰↘️ to Mount Cedar. I... don't stop, move it ๐ถ, move it move it. The next incline is not as aggressive but its length will catch you if you don't prepare yourself for it.
I get a steady rhythm going. Progress is ๐️. I know this route well, so being cautious was my plan. I reach the ๐. Great success.. It's a short down before the next a๐ง takes place. To this point a few ๐๐ have been the only traffic I have encountered. All passing me on their way home I guess.
I am starting to put a bit more effort in as I know this is the last big climb. Head down. Next thing... some absolute twat in a subaru station wagon misses me by ๐. Yusses did I, scream and shout, let it all out. Very lucky he did not stop. He would be in ๐ฅ right now if he did. It was that close. I get over it and carry on.
Next thing I am at the top. ๐บ although the day is far from over the majority of the category climbs are done ๐คช๐
๐คฃ. Again I start to push a bit harder. The ๐ฆต are doing well. ๐️↘️➡️↗️↘️➡️ it's nothing serious. Just a days work. I see the end of the Joe and the beginning of the tar. Yakshimash.
No sooner as I am on the tar and I ๐ ๐ฒ๐ฒ. It's the 2 guys who left at 6. They had just passed their turnoff to the Tankwa. I catch them in ๐ซ⌚. It seems the white fella is having a rotten day. His ๐ฆตare toast. His friend the black fella is having a superb day.
I know this sounds ๐ฉ but for the most part this is why I like riding alone. You do as you please and no one gets upset.
We chat. They are doing a 4️⃣ day tour. Staying in accommodation and eating at the restaurants. Very nice. It appears they are good friends and do a lot of riding together. We ride through to Op Die Berg together. I enjoy their company and it gives me a chance to rest my legs. We depart from the spar (this is the not good for you one) and head in the direction of Ceres. It is about 8kms down the road when we part company. I wish them well and we will keep in touch. (Maybe)
I am doing a bush sleep tonight. A spot I have used before. In the ⛰ sort of. The stream has dried up but it is still a great ⏺. Tomorrow will be in to Ceres. I need to check my ๐
ฑ️ at the ๐ฒ๐งฑ. It is sounding like a lardi dah ๐ฆฉ. Yes yes whatever. It are now ๐ฆง๐กpm and it can still like to be ๐ฅต. I need to try and get my schedule a bit better so I ride more. Let's ๐.
It was a lekka day. I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to this coming week. I don't know the plan yet but it will come to me.
I hope you have all had a super weekend. Lots of fun, laughter and happiness.
Chat soon.